Although why the
Depansipation Proclamation still isn’t in effect is anyone’s guess.
2. It teaches the best advertisement techniques.
No company is properly advertised
without a giant flaming balloon.
3. So you can find out who killed Stan.
RIP wax Stan. You had more
of Stan’s love than Stan has for himself.
4. Because you probably really want to know the context of this.
Are they going to school? To
a friends’ house? To destroy their enemies? The world may never know…
5. It teaches great moral values.
The world would truly be a better place if
we listened to Gruncle Stan
6. This exists.
Might not want to let him babysit the kids,
he might squash them!
7. The main cast are master sleuths.
They could (and have) rival Sherlock Holmes.
8. It has that cryptid hunting show thing down.
That picture is just particularly out of
9. One episode was the animated version of Jurassic Park.
… He’ll be okay.
10. It has America's Top Model-
Waddles the pig.
11. It makes fun of boy bands(z).
D’awww it doesn’t even know how to drink
12. It has mystery novels of the highest caliber, such as:
Which is still not as exciting as the third
instalment: The Pounds of Caper(ville).
13. Pesos, euros, and-
-the negative twelve dollar bill.
14. It teaches the best dance moves.
C’mon. We all wish we had those moves.
15. It captures the sentiment harbored deep within us all.
This show is so relatable.